Friday, September 27, 2013

When Your Energy Fails

I have been trying to write a blog post for about 3.5 weeks.  I have so much to talk about!  So many things have happened to me in this past month!  But because I felt like I had so much to catch up on, writing about it seemed like a daunting task.

Then, this morning my devotions read,
Relax in my everlasting arms.  Your weakness is an opportunity to grow strong in awareness of My Almighty Presence.  When your energy fails you, do not look inward and lament the lack you find there.  Look to Me and My sufficiency; rejoice in My radiant riches that are abundantly available to help you.  (Jesus Calling, September 27)
Candles in St. Stephens in Vienna 2012.  This shot reminded me of the devotional.
These words were the exact remedy I needed today.  For whatever reason, my energy is failing today.  I have a lot to do.  I need to drive to apply to J. Crew and a restaurant part-time, apply to a full-time job, go grocery shopping, clean my apartment, AND I wanted to finally write a blog post.  However, when I read those words I was instantly filled with sufficient peace.  I realized the tasks I was dreading weren't that strenuous, and if I stopped lamenting my lack of energy I would have the brain power I need to focus on the things I need to do today.  So here I am; starting with my blog--Jesus Calling on one side, computer on the other.

I enjoy starting my days with Jesus Calling.  I learn something new about being in God's presence every day.  I finally understand people who say their day isn't as bright without their morning devotions.  Choosing God over myself is hard, but I get better everyday.

I wanted to share this in case others are lacking energy today.  As cliché as it sounds,  your energy is only a prayer away. DO IT. It's worth it :).


Now that I've finally broke the blog silence, I'm going to be uploading posts about the past month.  Moving, job hunting, living in Wicker Park, GETTING ENGAGED (!), and other fun things.  I'm once again inspired to blog away.

The Cloud Gate or "The Bean" // Millenium Park // Chicago, IL // September 2013